Thinking Between The Lines Essential Poker Guide

Online poker world offers another thing; it's called History of an entire gaming session or poker match. After winning or losing any bet or entire match / round, you can request a log of your hands. Think back to the state of mind you were in, that time. Prepare yourself a sit and go moving up strategy to keep you up and playing.
What led to the adoption of that decision?
What were you thinking and expecting at that time?
Was everything happening as you predicted?
How good you were at guessing about your opponent and his state of mind?
Secondly you should use the history tool to analyze the ebb and trough of your play. When it comes to poker, everything has to be kept and followed in more than perfect manner. Your strategy for sit and go games will determine how good are you with poker. Through the 'Check Your History' panel you can ask yourself questions and satisfy them with respect to:
How and what were you doing when it came to blinds?
Maybe you are defending too much and folding too much?
Is your performance even below average or certain level of expectation?
These are the things which need to be answered and you can do so by comparing your results with fellow players online. Always consider the Equity on every game in sit and go poker. Online poker could never be this better for you! Get yourself ready for different online poker tournaments.